Monday, March 11, 2013

Not a new story

Growing up.... what is growing up all about?! Why do we all have to grow up and cannot be like Peter Pan and be a child forever?  What are the fundamentals of being a grown up? 

Recently (although every day it is getting further away from being "recently"), I graduated from college and am forced to figure out this grown up life.  Job searching, adult interaction, starting an adult life and wandering farther and farther away from the college life every day. 

I have had the fortune (or misfortune) of not having a job immediately after graduating.  Everyday treading water in the job search process.  Fighting the college urge to enjoy sleep and the TV surfing couch potato life and instead do something more productive with my day.  Resisting the world's push forcing me to grow up and get a job and instead wanting to just throw a child tantrum yelling "I don't want to grow up! I want my friends back!". 

My story is not different from those that are my age (or were once my age).  We are all embarking on one of the most uncertain time periods of our lives.  The post-grad life, the job searching life, the early to mid twenties life, these are not new plots.  But my interests, my view, my beliefs, my encounters all compiled to (hopefully) create one heck of a ride for all of us to enjoy.

My objective is to share with you not only the (colorful) story of an architecture graduate's life and what I see are important aspects of growing up, but also share my passions and interests with you (and maybe a witty anecdote as well). 

Hopefully you will enjoy and hopefully I will be so lucky to get my first "big girl" job soon!

1 comment:

  1. yay for blogging!!! :) I can't wait to read all you have to say!
